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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Home Remedy Replace Unnecessary Medication For Dogs

Home Remedy Replace Unnecessary Medication For Dogs

Today I tell you to take charge of your dogs health. By doing a little research and a little reading you will know more alternative treatments than 90% of the Vets out there. Many times when yourr dog is treated by a vet, It was likely going to recover on his own anyway.

Don't you agree that your dog deserves all the options, when it comes to their health? If a home remedy works, why subject them to unnecessary medication?

A steroid injection may have stopped the itching, but what if it caused a serious side effect...Diabetes? That's happened folkes!

The Veterinarian does not know everything about keeping your pet healthy - although that is what many veterinarians would have you believe. Veterinarians would have you believe that ONLY a veterinarian can Examine, Diagnose, Treat, Prescribe, and Heal your pet's health.

The BIG Myth is that veterinarians only know a little about A LOT of things. And sometimes they are WRONG. Sometimes the "safe" medication has a side effect. You need to know about things like that!

You know your pet best. You can take charge of your pet's health today. Veterinary Secrets Revealed

Anything To Do With Dogs!!

Home Remedy Replace Unnecessary Medication For Dogs

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